ArtsFest 2024 delivers on its promise of arts for all ages

For immediate release – July 23, 2024

The grounds of The Muse – Lake of the Woods Museum and Douglas Family Art Centre – was a magical playground for art enthusiasts and practitioners this past week with ArtsFest 2024.  Lake of the Woods Arts Community (LOWAC) presents the event annually to raise awareness and support for the region’s diverse arts community and to offer opportunities for arts exploration for people of all ages.

“The KidZone was bustling with non-stop activity,” said Sydney McInnis, LOWAC’s 2024 summer event coordinator. “The rest of the site saw steady traffic throughout both days as people mingled amongst the artists who were showcasing and selling their works.” 

There truly was something for everyone with new works by emerging artists and an array of world-class creations by established artists from a wide spectrum of artistic disciplines. “Great Canadian Pottery Throwdown” finalist Keifer Floreal wowed participants with a glazing workshop, and also had a great day at his table in the exhibition area. “I’ll be back next year for sure!” he said.

A variety of mainstage performances also kept people entertained both days. After a traditional opening prayer on Saturday morning, harpist Olivia Whiddon kicked things off, followed by the Sunset Swing Band, and children’s performer Cedar Peter (Welch). Saturday wrapped up with show-stopping fashion show by Nish Deva honouring Every Child Matters and Missing and Murdered Indigenous Woman and Girls. Scottish Pipers and Drums roused the crowd first thing Sunday morning and the energy on stage continued throughout the day with performances by Cedar Peter (Welch), Malcolm Roulette (Geronimo), Lexie Alcock and Cole Zabloski and Jason Bowes. 

Diversity and inclusion are a priority for LOWAC. “We were thrilled to have rapper Geronimo bring his unique Indigenous perspective to the stage!” McInnis said. 

The importance of providing accessible arts to people in more remote communities like Kenora, can’t be overstated. “Bringing people together through the arts is just a great way to build community,” said LOWAC director Leanne Fournier. “Events like ArtsFest also provide an opportunity to expose our artists to a broader audience – people who drive here from Manitoba for the day, seasonal visitors, or guests coming from far away.” 

ArtsFest wouldn’t be possible without funders and sponsors. LOWAC extends its appreciation to Government of Canada, Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation, Ontario Arts Council, Northern Ontario Heritage Fund, Ogimaawabiitong/Kenora Chiefs Advisory, The Muse, Tourism Kenora, the Rotary Club of Kenora and numerous community partners. 

More information is available at

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