Arts@Home delivers another great season!
And that folks is a wrap! Presenting our second season of Arts@Home to the community throughout the pandemic went far beyond our expectations in achieving our goal of bringing artists an art lovers together when we had to be apart. I think we all agree that the pandemic has revealed what an invaluable role the arts plays during challenging times.
LOWAC would like to extend our sincere thanks – on behalf of all of our members and all those who turned out and were inspired and informed – to the amazing artists who made this session a great success: Aimee Baldwin, Cecil Burns, Elsie Nuefeld, Olivia Whiddon, Tammy Zebruck, Irene McCuaig, Enchante, Sue McIntosh, Tersoo Tsvende and Joan Thomas.
We’d also like to acknowledge these accomplishments that are the result of the hard work of our small Board to bring Arts@Home to the community:
- We presented the works of 12 artisans from a variety of disciplines – pottery, painting, writing, drawing, vocal and instrumental.
- Participants had the opportunity to explore new art forms, create their own artwork, ask questions, pursue professional development, and gather as a community.
- The media presence, as well as active promotion on our website and social media (Facebook, Instagram and Twitter) helped raise awareness of LOWAC’s mission and contribution to the arts community. This extends beyond Kenora to surrounding areas in Ontario and Manitoba. We have even had participants from as far away as Toronto, Halifax, Florida and Mexico join our sessions.
- Feedback collected through our post-session surveys was overwhelmingly positive – participants thanked us again and again not only for the opportunity to come together to experience art but also for providing a welcome reprieve from isolation. We regularly heard comments like: “This was such a gift, what a great session, it was fantastic!”
- Special thanks to the Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation who are always there when we need them. Also the Ontario Arts Council for their support and finally to Monica Baumgartner, a past LOWAC Board member who has been an invaluable co-host and lead Zoom programmer. We couldn’t have pulled this off without all of this wonderful and generous support!
Volunteers needed
We hope to present Arts@Home in the future but it will rely on funding and volunteer support! What appeared as a simple Zoom session to be enjoyed by all went off so well due to a significant effort by the LOWAC Board. Volunteers are needed to assist with grant writing, performer scheduling, zoom meeting coordination and hosting. If you’d like to see Arts@Home continue and can help email lowacdirectors@gmail.com.
A look at Arts@Home 2021/22
- October 20 • Aimee Baldwin • Coil Vessel Pottery Workshop
- November 17 • Esmé Boone • How to Make a Lap Harp Presentation
- December 8 • Cecil Burns • Songwriting – A Primer – Songwriting Workshop
- January 12 • Elsie Neufeld • Writing without Wrules – Writing Workshop
- February 16 • Olivia Whiddon • Songs from the Celtic Harp Concert
- March 9 • Tammy Zebruck• Framing for Success: How to Prepare for the Gallery
- April 6th & April 20 • Irene McCuaig • Finding the Dragon Within – Visual Arts Workshop
- May 11 • Enchante • Fun, Friendship and 4-part harmony
- May 25 • Aimee Baldwin • Bud Vase Pottery
- June 8 • Sue McIntosh • Savvy Singing
Joan Thomas – Writing Workshops – April 2, 2022 – Seven Generations Education Institute*
The April 2 session with award-winning novelist Joan Thomas was touted as “one of the best writing workshops I’ve ever attended” by more than one of the inspired attendees! Both the morning and afternoon workshops were for writers of all levels and experience. In the morning session, Writing the Real, Joan shared her extensive expertise and experience in writing fiction based on real events. In the afternoon, Joan shifted to more informal discussion of Writing Process, with time for individual writing and sharing.
Tersoo Tsevende – From Doodles to Art – May 14, 2022, Seven Generations Institute*
Local visual artist Tersoo Tsevende hosted a visual art session focused on improving doodling and turning it into beautiful art. The objective of this art session was to assist and encourage visual artists to imagine the transformation from doodling to art. Tersoo offered tips and inspiration for those who may not have considered themselves artists (before the workshop!), but wished to see the world differently. Everyone left with a new understanding of doodle, drawing, and their own personal style. It was amazing!
Aimee Baldwin Bud Vase Pottery Joan Thomas Writing Enchante - Fun, Friendship and 4-part harmony
Esme Boone Harps Irene McCuaig Finding the Dragon Within Tersoo Tsevende From Doodles to Art Tersoo Tsevende From Doodles to Art - Sue McIntosh Savvy Singing
- Elsie Neufeld Writing without Wrules
Tammy Zebruck Framing Irene McCuaig Dragons RC Burns Songwriting
Feature presentations were presented live following all public health guidelines and restrictions.
Arts@Home 2021-2022 is made possible thanks to Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation and the Ontario Arts Council.

We also thank 89.5 FM The Lake and the Kenora Miner and News for great promotion and support.

A look at Arts@Home 2020-2021
While COVID-19 necessitated the cancellation of ArtsFest 2020, Arts@Home was an opportunity to promote area artists and to involve our community in the arts during these unprecedented times. Arts@Home included free online performances, workshops, presentations, lectures, interviews, etc. by regional artists from all creative disciplines. This was a safe space where artists and audiences came together to savour the shared experience of being together while we had to be apart. We were thrilled with the success of our 2020-2021 Arts@Home season featuring a wonderful array of local artists. Our gratitude and thanks to Irene McCauig, Elizabeth Wires, Olivia Whiddon, Kenora Opera, Theatre and Beyond!, Dave Schwartz, Sue McIntosh, Teresa Bowyer, Sophie Lavoie, Aimee Baldwin and especially the Kenora and Lake of the Woods Regional Community Foundation (KLWCF) who made it all possible through their Dream Fund grant. We also thank 89.5 FM The Lake and the Kenora Miner and News for great promotion and support.
Sophie Lavoie, The Muse/Douglas Family Art Centre Teresa Bowyer Sue McIntosh Dave Schwartz Aimee Baldwin, Moon in June Studio Glass Mosaic – Elizabeth Wires, Midnight Loon Glass Kenora Opera Theatre and Beyond! Notan with Watercolour – Irene McCuaig, Inglenook Studio Olivia Whiddon
Help wanted
If you are interested in supporting LOWAC’s efforts to bring events like Arts@Home to life, we would love to hear from you! Please let us know how you’d like to help by emailing lowacdirectors@gmail.com.