Esmé Boone

Painting, drawing, some three-dimensional work. Music: Folk harp and traditional Celtic singing. Also runs harp-making workshops.

Originally from Australia, Esmé is one all-round “Artista”.  She holds a Bachelor of Fine Arts (Hon 1) from University of Manitoba, and in the past has been Chair of Lake of the Woods Arts Community.  For several years she was on the Board of Kenora Festival fo the Arts as their Visual Arts Coordinator.  She has been a Folk Singer and Harpist for many years, and she has been instrumental (pardon the pun) in bringing harps to Kenora.  She runs sporadic weekend Harp-Making workshops where people make their own small 19-string Waring harps.  This has introduced many people in the district to the joy of harp music and it has resulted in several people going further and buying larger folk harps, and forming the group of five known as Celestial Harps.

Esmé is a storyteller of Celtic stories which she illustrates with harp music and songs—often in Scots Gaelic or occasionally, Welsh.

Esmé has had training in Sacred Circle Dance. She teaches and leads dance workshops as requested. Currently, she is offering it once a month on Sunday afternoons as part of KACL’s programming, and will return to it when COVID is over. Sacred Circle Dance is a lot like folk-dancing in a circle but with a deeper meaning to the steps and movements.  Some dances are quite ancient and some are set to modern songs

(807) 548-5167