LOWAC October 2024 Newsletter

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We’ve elected to host a live meeting in the Art Centre Multi-Purpose Room (basement) as an opportunity to bring artists and art lovers together to talk about our successes over the past year and contribute to discussion of our vision for the future. Refreshments will be served.

We are excited to welcome Kerri Favreau as a new member of the Board of Directors! Kerri has lived in Kenora her entire life and has a particular interest in supporting organizations that celebrate and strengthen community. This has included service to The Kenora District Festival of the Arts, The Kenora Agricultural Society, St. Louis Parish Children’s Camp and Trylight Theatre. She is an educator at St. Louis Living Arts School where she works to enliven programs through meaningful connections with the Arts and local artists. Kerri sees the importance of creative, collaborative work as a means to building thriving communities.

With some recent resignations and retirements, we continue to be in need of new Board members and active volunteers to continue to support LOWAC’s mission:

We cannot continue in our current capacity without some new energy and ideas. You can read more about our Board of Directors at https://lowac.ca/board-of-directors/.

We see many emerging and experienced artists in the region and are reaching out to see if anyone would like to be part of this lively and fun Board. Requiring just a few volunteer hours a month, it’s an excellent opportunity to gain some experience in non-profit operations, networking, arts advocacy and programming, and event planning and coordination. It’s also a way to contribute to the ongoing vibrancy of the arts community in Kenora.

Currently, the Board meets on the 2nd Thursday of the month at 7 p.m. via ZOOM (although live meetings are held occasionally). Meetings can be changed to accommodate director schedules.

We hope to see you at the AGM on Nov. 14!

Please note we will not be livestreaming or Zooming the meeting as we have not found hybrid meetings to be successful. If you are unable to join, please send along any notes you’d like to contribute and watch for the meeting followup/minutes, which we’ll be sure to post on the LOWAC website at lowac.ca. You are always welcome to reach out to lowacdirectors@gmail.com.

You can read more about LOWAC’s rich, incredible history of bringing artists and art lovers together at https://lowac.ca/history.


LOWAC relies on membership fees to support programming and operations costs such as website hosting & domain, bookkeeping, and storage, that are not generally covered by grants or sponsorship. Membership renewals are due in December but renewals anytime now will go towards 2025. Membership is holding steady at around 60 members but this isn’t enough to cover all of our operating expenses, which we work very hard to keep as low as possible.

You can also make a patron donation if you wish to support LOWAC’s ongoing operations, programming, and the scholarships we offer each year at the local high schools. Read more at https://lowac.ca/donate.


Saturday, Nov. 2, 2024, St. Albans Cathedral

Fee: $40/workshop


Kenora (LOWAC) Writers’ Group, LOWAC and NOWW will host two writing workshops by Lauren Carter, award-winning author of This Has Nothing To Do With You, Places Like These, and other books and founder of Wild Ground Writing.

10 a.m. – noon— Creating Deep Characters

Characters make or break a story. The truer to life they are and the deeper their motivation, the more your reader will believe in them. The best characters have recognizable wounds and clear desires to propel them through their story. In this workshop we’ll do lots of prompt-driven writing to explore your made-up peoplepasted-image.jpeg (or the version of you that’s in your memoir) including formative moments from the past, their place in the wider world, and their relationships. Come with a character you want to develop more deeply or be prepared to meet someone new!

Register at https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/MHDD8NDVU32AQ

1 p.m – 3 p.m. — Creative Revision

A first draft is more like the ingredients for a gourmet meal than the meal itself. It needs the fire, spice, and salt of revision to come to delicious life. By beginning your revision process as an artist rather than a hard-hearted “editor,” we can more deeply understand our work and build up its complex flavours. In this workshop we’ll discuss the difference between macro and micro edits, experimentation and play in revision, calling your project done, and more. Bring a few pages of work you would like to revise along with your tools to write new material. 

Register at https://www.paypal.com/ncp/payment/ZWS9GDUCWL39E

To learn more about Lauren Carter and her books visit: www.laurencarter.ca

Need time/space/support to write? Visit www.wildgroundwriting.com

For more information, contact: Elsie eneufeld523@gmail.com

The Kenora Writers’ Group gratefully acknowledges the support of NOWW (Northwestern Ontario Writers Workshop), the Kenora Public Library, LOWAC (Lake of the Woods Arts Community).


If you have any news to share or would like to be a featured artist, send details to lowacdirectors@gmail.com.

We hope to see on November 14!!

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