Marylou Goodwin

Marylou (Lou) paints abstract, contemporary art using quirky shapes and bright colour. She interprets what she sees her way. She cooks, she gardens, she travels and brings her history of the realm of home and sense of place into her work for others to enjoy.

Marylou Goodwin painting.

The realm of home and history is where Lou draws substance and inspiration for her paintings. Home includes the domicile as well as the views she sees in the world. She has been drawn to paint vessels because they are such a part of our history. They have been in existence since the beginning of mankind and remain in our daily lives. Lou paints boathouses and fishing huts because they are a history of her growing up on Lake of the Woods and they delight her. She paints using acrylic, mixed media, bright colour, a pinch of imagination and a handful of gratitude.

Visit Lou at

Instagram: @mlougoodwin

Contact: or 780 660 4348